The heat is on: the climate crisis, the cover-up, the prescription / Ross Gelbspan. Gelbspan, R. Perseus Books, Reading, Mass., Updated ed edition, 1998. 1
abstract   bibtex   
This book not only brings home the imminence of climate change but also examines the campaign of deception by big coal and big oil that is keeping the issue off the public agenda. It examines the various arenas in which the battle for control of the issue is being fought–a battle with surprising political alliances and relentless obstructionism. The story provides an ominous foretaste of the gathering threat of political chaos and totalitarianism. And it concludes by outlining a transistion to the future that contains, at least, the possibility of continuity for our organized civilization, and, at best, a vast increase in the stability, equity, and wealth of the global economy.
	address = {Reading, Mass.},
	edition = {Updated ed},
	title = {The heat is on: the climate crisis, the cover-up, the prescription / {Ross} {Gelbspan}.},
	isbn = {978-0-7382-0025-5},
	shorttitle = {The heat is on},
	abstract = {This book not only brings home the imminence of climate change but also examines the campaign of deception by big coal and big oil that is keeping the issue off the public agenda. It examines the various arenas in which the battle for control of the issue is being fought--a battle with surprising political alliances and relentless obstructionism. The story provides an ominous foretaste of the gathering threat of political chaos and totalitarianism. And it concludes by outlining a transistion to the future that contains, at least, the possibility of continuity for our organized civilization, and, at best, a vast increase in the stability, equity, and wealth of the global economy.},
	language = {eng},
	publisher = {Perseus Books},
	author = {Gelbspan, Ross},
	year = {1998},
	note = {1},
	keywords = {5 Ignorance and manufactured doubt, PRINTED (Fonds papier)},

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