Towards Ontology-Driven Discourse: From Semantic Graphs To Multimedia Presentations. Geurts, J. P. T. M., Bocconi, S., van Ossenbruggen, J. R., & Hardman, L. Technical Report INS-R-0305, 2003.
Towards Ontology-Driven Discourse: From Semantic Graphs To Multimedia Presentations [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Traditionally, research in applying Semantic Web technology to multimedia information systems has focused on using annotations and ontologies to improve the retrieval process. This paper concentrates on improving the presentation of the retrieval results. First, our approach uses ontological domain knowledge to select and organize the content relevant to the topic the user is interested in. Domain ontologies are valuable in the presentation generation process, because effective presentations are those that succeed in conveying the relevant domain semantics to the user. Explicit discourse and narrative knowledge allows selection of appropriate presentation genres and creation of narrative structures, which are used for conveying these domain relations. In addition, knowledge of graphic design and media characteristics is essential to transform abstract presentation structures in real multimedia presentations. Design knowledge determines how the semantics and presentation structure are expressed in the multimedia presentation. In traditional Web environments, this type of design knowledge remains implicit, hidden in style sheets and other document transformation code. Our second use of Semantic Web technology is to model design knowledge explicitly, and to let it drive the transformations needed to turn annotated media items into structured presentations.

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