High Throughput Quantification of Protein Expression of Cancer Antigens in Tissue Microarray Using Quantum Dot Nanocrystals. Ghazani, A. A., Lee, J. A., Klostranec, J., Xiang, Q., Dacosta, R. S., Wilson, B. C., Tsao, M. S., & Chan, W. C. W. Nano Lett., 6(12):2881–2886, December, 2006. Publisher: American Chemical Society
High Throughput Quantification of Protein Expression of Cancer Antigens in Tissue Microarray Using Quantum Dot Nanocrystals [link]Paper  High Throughput Quantification of Protein Expression of Cancer Antigens in Tissue Microarray Using Quantum Dot Nanocrystals [pdf]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
We developed and validated a novel method for quantifying protein expression of cancer tumors in an accurate, sensitive, and high throughput format. This technique integrates quantum dots, tissue microarray, optical spectroscopy, and algorithm design for analysis of tumor biopsies. The integration of this method for tissue analysis in the clinic bears potential impact for improving the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

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