A zero-knowledge protocol for nuclear warhead verification. Glaser, A., Barak, B., & Goldston, R. J. Nature, 510:497-502, 2014. See also article by R. Stone (Science, June 2014)
A zero-knowledge protocol for nuclear warhead verification [link]Paper  bibtex   8 downloads  
  author =       {Glaser, Alexander and Barak, Boaz and Goldston, Robert J.},
  title =        {A zero-knowledge protocol for nuclear warhead verification},
  journal =      {Nature},
  year =         {2014},
  volume =       {510},
  pages =        {497-502},
  selected = {yes},
   url_paper = {http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v510/n7506/full/nature13457.html},
   note = {See also article by R. Stone (Science, June 2014)},

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