The neglected situation. Goffman, E. American Anthropologist, 66(6):134–136, 1964.
abstract   bibtex   
Both the r'al & indicative approaches to the study of speech have neglected analysis of the effects of the soc situation on speech. Soc Situation is defined as `an environment of mutual monitoring possibilities.' `Talk' is seen to be a soc'ly org'd phenomenon, 'not merely in terms of who speaks to whom in what Ian, but as a little system of mutually ratified & ritually governed face-to-face action, a soc encounter.' The regulations, process & structure of face-to-face interaction are often expressed linguistically. D. Cooperman.
	title = {The neglected situation},
	volume = {66},
	issn = {0002-7294},
	abstract = {Both the r'al \& indicative approaches to the study of speech have neglected analysis of the effects of the soc situation on speech. Soc Situation is defined as `an environment of mutual monitoring possibilities.' `Talk' is seen to be a soc'ly org'd phenomenon, 'not merely in terms of who speaks to whom in what Ian, but as a little system of mutually ratified \& ritually governed face-to-face action, a soc encounter.' The regulations, process \& structure of face-to-face interaction are often expressed linguistically. D. Cooperman.},
	language = {eng},
	number = {6},
	journal = {American Anthropologist},
	author = {Goffman, Erving},
	collaborator = {Goffman, Erving},
	year = {1964},
	keywords = {Article, EFFECT : OF THE SOCIAL SITUATION ON SPEECH,, Effect : Of The Social Situation On Speech,, Effect/Effects/Effectiveness, SOCIAL : SITUATION \& SPEECH,, SPEECH : \& SOCIAL SITUATION,, Social, Social : Situation \& Speech,, Social Psychology; Personality \& Culture, Speech : \& Social Situation,, Speech/Speeches, article},
	pages = {134--136},

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