Developing a Project Management Tool for Network Migration to Improve Transparency between Enterprises and Network Experts. Goggins, E., Kennedy, C., Nguyen, M. A., Pore, A., Rissmeyer, A., Smith, C T, & Gerling, G. J. Unknown Journal, 2023.
Developing a Project Management Tool for Network Migration to Improve Transparency between Enterprises and Network Experts [link]Paper  bibtex   
  author = {Eibhlin Goggins and Corinne Kennedy and Minh Anh Nguyen and A. Pore and A. Rissmeyer and C T Smith and Gregory J. Gerling},
  title = {Developing a Project Management Tool for Network Migration to Improve Transparency between Enterprises and Network Experts},
  year = {2023},
  journal = {Unknown Journal},
  url = {}

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