Predicting Future User Actions by Observing Unimodified Applications. Gorniak, P. & Poole, D. In Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence, 2000.
abstract   bibtex   
Intelligent user interfaces often rely on modified applica- tions and detailed application models. Such modifications and models are expensive to build and maintain. We pro- pose to automatically model the use of unmodified applica- tions to solve this problem. We observe a user’s interactions with the application’s interface and from these observations infer a state space which the user navigates and the stochas- tic policy he or she follows. ONISI, the algorithm presented here, builds this state space implicitly and on-line, and uses it to predict future user actions. Trials with real users show that this algorithm predicts the next user action significantly better than another current algorithm.
@InProceedings{ 5021,
	author = "P. Gorniak and D. Poole",
	title = "Predicting Future User Actions by Observing Unimodified Applications",
	booktitle = "Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence",
	year = "2000",
	abstract = "Intelligent user interfaces often rely on modified applica- tions and detailed application models. Such modifications and models are expensive to build and maintain. We pro- pose to automatically model the use of unmodified applica- tions to solve this problem. We observe a user’s interactions with the application’s interface and from these observations infer a state space which the user navigates and the stochas- tic policy he or she follows. ONISI, the algorithm presented here, builds this state space implicitly and on-line, and uses it to predict future user actions. Trials with real users show that this algorithm predicts the next user action significantly better than another current algorithm. ",
	localfile = "/home/stephan/Daten/Arbeit/Paper\_Tutorials/Paper/000101\_5021\_PredictingFutureUserActionsbyObservingUnmodifiedApplications\_PGorniak-aaai-2000-p1.pdf"

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