Mutagenesis on cloned yeast genes. The mutation of the yeast gene comprising the plasmid and chromosome [Mutagenez na klonirovannykh genakh drozhzheǐ. Mutirovanie gena drozhzheǐ v sostave plazmidy i khromosomy.]. Gracheva, L., Kasinova, G., Korolev, V., & Fedorova, I. Genetika, 24(7):1178-1186, 1988. cited By 0
Mutagenesis on cloned yeast genes. The mutation of the yeast gene comprising the plasmid and chromosome [Mutagenez na klonirovannykh genakh drozhzheǐ. Mutirovanie gena drozhzheǐ v sostave plazmidy i khromosomy.] [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
The cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were transformed by plasmid pYG-007 treated in vitro with o-methylhydroxylamine. The plasmid consists of a portion of the bacterial plasmid with genes of resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline, 2 mkm yeast DNA and yeast genes ADE2 and LEU2. The collection of mutants containing a mutant allele of ADE2 gene within the plasmid was obtained. Interallelic complementation and that induced by suppression were studied in these ade 2 mutants. It was shown that all these induced ade 2 mutations were base-pair substitutions. Using the mechanism of conversion we managed to transfer the plasmid ade 2 mutations into the chromosome. Three pairs of strains carrying similar mutation in plasmid and chromosome were created. Analysis of frequency of reversions induced by UV-light and hydroxylaminopurine in the mutant ade2 locus comprised in the plasmid and chromosome showed that the former induced reversions in plasmid alleles less effectively than the latter.
author={Gracheva, L.M. and Kasinova, G.V. and Korolev, V.G. and Fedorova, I.V.},
title={Mutagenesis on cloned yeast genes. The mutation of the yeast gene comprising the plasmid and chromosome [Mutagenez na klonirovannykh genakh drozhzheǐ. Mutirovanie gena drozhzheǐ v sostave plazmidy i khromosomy.]},
note={cited By 0},
abstract={The cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were transformed by plasmid pYG-007 treated in vitro with o-methylhydroxylamine. The plasmid consists of a portion of the bacterial plasmid with genes of resistance to ampicillin, chloramphenicol and tetracycline, 2 mkm yeast DNA and yeast genes ADE2 and LEU2. The collection of mutants containing a mutant allele of ADE2 gene within the plasmid was obtained. Interallelic complementation and that induced by suppression were studied in these ade 2 mutants. It was shown that all these induced ade 2 mutations were base-pair substitutions. Using the mechanism of conversion we managed to transfer the plasmid ade 2 mutations into the chromosome. Three pairs of strains carrying similar mutation in plasmid and chromosome were created. Analysis of frequency of reversions induced by UV-light and hydroxylaminopurine in the mutant ade2 locus comprised in the plasmid and chromosome showed that the former induced reversions in plasmid alleles less effectively than the latter.},
correspondence_address1={Gracheva, L.M.},

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