Novinpak system Life Cycle Assessment. Gérand, Y. & Roux, P. Technical Report Irstea, Montpellier, France, 2014.
abstract   bibtex   
Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of the Novinpak PET/RPET bottle and traditional glass bottle including vine growing and winemaking.
@techreport{ Gerand2014,
  abstract = {Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of the Novinpak PET/RPET bottle and traditional glass bottle including vine growing and winemaking.},
  address = {Montpellier, France},
  author = {Gérand, Yves and Roux, Philippe},
  file = {:D$\backslash$:/Documents and Settings/Loubet/Mes documents/DOCS/Bibliographie/Biblio Mendeley/Gérand, Roux. 2014. Novinpak system Life Cycle Assessment.pdf:pdf},
  institution = {Irstea},
  keywords = {LCA,Novinpak,wine},
  mendeley-tags = {LCA,Novinpak,wine},
  pages = {1--153},
  title = {{Novinpak system Life Cycle Assessment}},
  year = {2014}

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