Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Gender. Grubbs, J. B. In The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender, pages 1221–1224. SAGE Publications, Inc., Thousand Oaks,, September, 2017.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Gender [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   1 download  
	address = {Thousand Oaks,},
	title = {Narcissistic {Personality} {Disorder} and {Gender}},
	copyright = {All rights reserved},
	url = {},
	urldate = {2021-12-09},
	booktitle = {The {SAGE} {Encyclopedia} of {Psychology} and {Gender}},
	publisher = {SAGE Publications, Inc.},
	author = {Grubbs, Joshua B.},
	editor = {Nadal, Kevin},
	month = sep,
	year = {2017},
	doi = {10.4135/9781483384269},
	pages = {1221--1224},
	file = {SAGE Knowledge Snapshot:/Users/joshuab.grubbs/Library/CloudStorage/ Drive/Manuscripts/Zotero/storage/KF8ERW8S/i12688.html:text/html},

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