Swedish tree rings provide new evidence in support of a major, widespread environmental disruption in 1628 BC. Grudd, H., Briffa, K. R., Gunnarson, B. E., & Linderholm, H. W. In Chambers, F. & Olge, M., editors, Climate Change: Critical Concepts in the Environment, volume 2, pages 1616. Routledge, Taylor Francis Group, 2002.
Swedish tree rings provide new evidence in support of a major, widespread environmental disruption in 1628 BC [link]Paper  bibtex   
	title = {Swedish tree rings provide new evidence in support of a major, widespread environmental disruption in 1628 {BC}},
	volume = {2},
	isbn = {978-0-415-27656-6},
	url = {https://books.google.com/books?hl=en&lr=&id=EZXj87n_mJgC&oi=fnd&pg=PA296&dq=%22imprint+in+the+annual+width+of+tree+rings%22+%22in+1984,+LaMarche+and%22+%22for+measurement+error+and+averaged+to+produce%22+%22in+tree-ring+chronology+construction+to+highlight+a%22+&ots=WTt_QDA1Kw&sig=eneAY8W5GHTW0wYsfjlq6Vryclw},
	urldate = {2017-01-13},
	booktitle = {Climate {Change}: {Critical} {Concepts} in the {Environment}},
	publisher = {Routledge, Taylor Francis Group},
	author = {Grudd, Håkan and Briffa, Keith R. and Gunnarson, Bjorn E. and Linderholm, Hans W.},
	editor = {Chambers, Frank and Olge, Michael},
	year = {2002},
	keywords = {\#nosource, ⛔ No DOI found},
	pages = {1616},

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