Skötsel av skogar med höga naturvärden – en kunskapsöversikt. Fri utveckling, traditionell hävd och naturvårdsgallring – tre skötselalternativ för sydsvenska skogar. Götmark, F. Svensk Botanisk Tidskrift, 104(Supplement 1):1-88, 2010.
Skötsel av skogar med höga naturvärden – en kunskapsöversikt. Fri utveckling, traditionell hävd och naturvårdsgallring – tre skötselalternativ för sydsvenska skogar [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Skötsel av skogar med höga naturvärden – en kunskapsöversikt. [Management alternatives for temperate forests with high conservation values in south Sweden.] The management of reserves and other forests with high biodiversity values is debated. Focusing on south Sweden (Fig. 1), I review non- or minimal intervention (”free” succession), traditional management (e.g. grazing, pollarding) and careful partial cutting (conservation thinning, stands with >75% canopy closure). The alternatives are based on 1) ecology and 2) cultural/aesthetical nature conservation, that may be mixed and form value judgements. For about 20 years, ecologists have emphasized the importance of natural disturbances for management (e.g. fire, windstorms, extreme temperatures). In Sweden, the role of succession tends to be overlooked, especially the long-term perspective required to produce old-growth, old trees of long-lived species (>500 years), and high dead wood volumes. In the European lowland, there are extremely few woods that have not been cut for 300 years or more. I suggest minimal intervention should be used for at least 50% of the area of forests with high biodiversity values. Traditional use, including fire that has a strong cultural component, complements minimal intervention in creating habitat diversity, if grazing effects are controlled. Deciduous broadleaved trees, valuable for conservation in our conifer-dominated production forests, have increased (Swedish National Forest Inventory, NFI Fig. 5). Secondary succession in semi-natural stands have led to denser forests, and conservation thinning (CI) is tested in 25 such stands (references in Table 4). Overall, compared to control areas, CI has positive short-term effects on biodiversity of seven organism groups. I used NFI data from 2003–2007 to analyse broadleaf-rich forest types of three height classes. Tall forests dominated. Closed canopy stands (all height classes) formed about 500 000 ha. Part of this area may be subjected to conservation thinning (and minimal intervention/traditional use). Only 1.4–6% of the broadleaf-rich forest types were protected as nature reserves or national parks 2003–2007. In addition, green forestry plans are used by private and other forest owners to set aside or manage identified conservation stands. The forest company Sveaskog establishes Ecoparks, with various forms of management, and also minimal intervention. No coordinated planning for management of the conservation forests exists in Sweden. We lack data on the actions of forest owners, and need to study the effects of the different forms of management on biodiversity and on cultural/aesthetical aspects.

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