Mode Quality Factor Based on Far-Field Emission for Square Resonators. Guo, W., Huang, Y., Lu, Q., & Yu, L. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 16(2):479--481, February, 2004.
Mode Quality Factor Based on Far-Field Emission for Square Resonators [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   
	title = {Mode {Quality} {Factor} {Based} on {Far}-{Field} {Emission} for {Square} {Resonators}},
	volume = {16},
	issn = {1041-1135},
	url = {},
	doi = {10.1109/LPT.2003.822243},
	language = {en},
	number = {2},
	urldate = {2015-04-26},
	journal = {IEEE Photonics Technology Letters},
	author = {Guo, W.-H. and Huang, Y.-Z. and Lu, Q.-Y. and Yu, L.-J.},
	month = feb,
	year = {2004},
	pages = {479--481},
	file = {Guo et al_2004_Mode Quality Factor Based on Far-Field Emission for Square Resonators.pdf:/Users/baptiste/Library/Application Support/Zotero/Profiles/d9rq1atq.default/zotero/storage/4WNX7CZ5/Guo et al_2004_Mode Quality Factor Based on Far-Field Emission for Square Resonators.pdf:application/pdf}

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