Inter-filament Resistance at 77 K in Striated HTS Coated Conductors. Gyuraki, R., Godfrin, A., Jung, A., Kario, A., Nast, R., Demencik, E., Goldacker, W., & Grilli, F. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (in press), 2017.
	Author = {R. Gyuraki and A. Godfrin and A. Jung and A. Kario and R. Nast and E. Demencik and W. Goldacker and F. Grilli},
	Date-Added = {2016-10-19 13:13:12 +0000},
	Date-Modified = {2016-10-19 13:13:12 +0000},
	Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (in press)},
	Title = {{Inter-filament Resistance at 77 K in Striated HTS Coated Conductors}},
	Year = {2017}}

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