Non-linear impulsive dynamical systems. part i: stability and dissipativity. Haddad, W. M., Chellaboina, V., & Kablar, N. A. Int. J. Control, 74(17):1631–1658, 2001.
  author    = {Haddad, Wassim M. and Chellaboina, Vijaysekhar and Kablar, Nata{\^s}a A.},
  title     = {Non-linear impulsive dynamical systems. part i: stability and dissipativity},
  journal   = {Int. J. Control},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {74},
  number    = {17},
  pages     = {1631--1658},
  owner     = {vhduenas},
  timestamp = {2016.09.09},

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