Site conditions on forest land and wetlands in Sweden. A description and analysis based on data from the National Forest Survey. Hagglund, B. & Svensson, L. G. 1982. Times Cited: 0
Site conditions on forest land and wetlands in Sweden. A description and analysis based on data from the National Forest Survey [link]Paper  bibtex   
   author = {Hagglund, B. and Svensson, L. G.},
   title = {Site conditions on forest land and wetlands in Sweden. A description and analysis based on data from the National Forest Survey},
   series = {Rapport, Institutionen for Skogstaxering, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet},
   note = {Times Cited: 0},
   pages = {122 pp.-122 pp.},
   ISBN = {91-576-1293-5},
   url = {<Go to ISI>://CABI:19830682794},
   year = {1982},
   type = {Book}

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