Blood, Dirt, and Nomograms. Hankins, T. L. Chance, 13(1):26-37, 2000.
  title = {Blood, Dirt, and Nomograms},
  volume = {13},
  number = {1},
  journal = {Chance},
  author = {Hankins, Thomas L.},
  year = {2000},
  pages = {26-37},
  citeulike-article-id = {13265181},
  posted-at = {2014-07-14 14:09:51},
  priority = {0},
  annote = {a definitive reference on nomograms;Maurice d'Ocagne could be called the inventor of the nomogram, starting with alignment diagrams in 1884 and declaring a new science of "nomography" in 1899. d'Ocagne was at {\'E}cole des Ponts et Chauss{\'e}es, a school for civil engineering}

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