Prereqir: Recovering Pre-Requirements via Cluster Analysis. Hayes, J. H., Antoniol, G., & Guéhéneuc, Y. In Zaidman, A., Di Penta, M., & Hassan, A., editors, Proceedings of the 15<sup>th</sup> Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE), pages 165–174, October, 2008. IEEE CS Press. 10 pages.
Prereqir: Recovering Pre-Requirements via Cluster Analysis [pdf]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
High-level software artifacts, such as requirements, domain-specific requirements, and so on, are an important source of information that is often neglected during the reverse- and re-engineering processes. We posit that domain specific pre-requirements information (PRI) can be obtained by eliciting the stakeholders' understanding of generic systems or domains. We discuss the semi-automatic recovery of domain-specific PRI that can then be used during reverse- and re-engineering, for example, to recover traceability links or to assess the degree of obsolescence of a system with respect to competing systems and the clients' expectations. We present a method using partition around medoids and agglomerative clustering for obtaining, structuring, analyzing, and labeling textual PRI from a group of diverse stakeholders. We validate our method using PRI for the development of a generic Web browser provided by 22 different stakeholders. We show that, for a similarity threshold of about 0.36, about 55% of the PRI were common to two or more stakeholders and 42% were outliers. We automatically label the common and outlier PRI (82% correctly labeled), and obtain 74% accuracy for the similarity threshold of 0.36 (78% for a threshold of 0.5). We assess the recall and precision of the method, and compare the labeled PRI to a generic Web browser requirements specification.

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