Algorithms for Finding Gene Clusters. Heber, S. & Stoye, J. In Proc. of Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2001), volume 2149, of Lect Notes Comput Sci, pages 254–265, 2001. Springer, Berlin.
  author    = {Heber, S. and Stoye, J.},
  title     = {Algorithms for Finding Gene Clusters},
  booktitle = {Proc. of Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2001)},
  year      = {2001},
  volume    = {2149},
  series    = lncs,
  pages     = {254--265},
  publisher = Springer,
  keywords  = {gene clusters, genome rearrangements},
  opteditor = {Gascuel, O. and Moret, B.},
  owner     = {Sebastian},
  timestamp = {2009.03.26},

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