Broadening Network Performance: The Edge and Outages. Heidemann, J. Presentation at the Second perfSONAR NSF Workshop, February, 2014.
Broadening Network Performance: The Edge and Outages [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
Network performance has often been studied through active measurements of delay and throughput between specific sites. While important to understanding performance of the core network and among well-connected sites, recent work has begun to explore broadening the subject in two ways. First, to consider network performance to millions of computers at the network's edge, not just in a relatively well-connected mesh. Second, to explore network reliability and outages, in addition to delay and throughput. We will report on our recent progress and ongoing work in these areas.
	author = 	"John Heidemann",
	title = 	"Broadening Network Performance: The Edge and Outages",
	howpublished = "Presentation at the Second perfSONAR NSF Workshop",
	month = 	feb,
	year = 	2014,
	sortdate = 	"2014-02-01",
	project = "ant",
	jsubject = "routing",
	jlocation = 	"johnh: pafile",
	keywords = 	"based on [Quan13c]",
	url =		"",
	pdfurl =	"",
	myorganization =	"USC/Information Sciences Institute",
	copyrightholder = "authors",
	abstract = "
Network performance has often been studied through active measurements of
delay and throughput between specific sites.  While important to
understanding performance of the core network and among well-connected
sites, recent work has begun to explore broadening the subject in two
ways.  First, to consider network performance to millions of computers
at the network's edge, not just in a relatively well-connected mesh.
Second, to explore network reliability and outages, in addition to delay
and throughput.  We will report on our recent progress and ongoing work
in these areas.

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