Digging in to Ground Truth in Network Measurements. Heidemann, J. Talk at the Network Traffic Measurement and Analysis PhD School, June, 2017.
Digging in to Ground Truth in Network Measurements [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
New network measurements are great—you can learn about the whole world! But new network measurements are horrible—are you sure you learn about the world, and not about bugs in your code or approach? New scientific approaches must be tested and ultimately calibrated against ground truth. Yet ground truth about the Internet can be quite difficult—often network operators themselves do not know all the details of their network. This talk will explore the role of ground truth in network measurement: getting it when you can, alternatives when it's imperfect, and what we learn when none is available.
	author = 	"John Heidemann",
	title = 	"Digging in to Ground Truth in Network Measurements",
	howpublished = "Talk at the Network Traffic Measurement and
                  Analysis PhD School",
	month = 	jun,
	year = 	2017,
	sortdate = 	"2017-06-19", 
	project = "ant, nocredit, lacrend, retrofuturebridge",
	jsubject = "network_measurement",
	jlocation = 	"johnh: pafile",
	keywords = 	"network measurement, ground truth",
	url =		"https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Heidemann17c.html",
	pdfurl =	"https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Heidemann17c.pdf",
	blogurl = "https://ant.isi.edu/blog/?p=1054",
	myorganization =	"USC/Information Sciences Institute",
	copyrightholder = "authors",
	abstract = "
New network measurements are great---you can learn about the whole
world!  But new network measurements are horrible---are you sure you
learn about the world, and not about bugs in your code or approach?
New scientific approaches must be tested and ultimately calibrated
against ground truth.  Yet ground truth about the Internet can be
quite difficult---often network operators themselves do not know all
the details of their network.  This talk will explore the role of
ground truth in network measurement: getting it when you can,
alternatives when it's imperfect, and what we learn when none is

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