A Preliminary Analysis of Network Outages During Hurricane Sandy. Heidemann, J., Quan, L., & Pradkin, Y. Technical Report ISI-TR-2008-685b, USC/Information Sciences Institute, November, 2012. (correction Feb. 2013)
A Preliminary Analysis of Network Outages During Hurricane Sandy [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
This document describes our analysis of Internet outages during the October 2012 Hurricane Sandy. We assess network reliability by pinging a sample of networks and observing those that respond and then stop responding. While there are always occasional network outages, we see that the outage rate in U.S. networks doubled when the hurricane made landfall, then took about four days to recover. We confirm that this increase was due to outages in New York and New Jersey.
	author = 	"John Heidemann and Lin Quan and Yuri Pradkin",
	title = 	"A Preliminary Analysis of Network Outages During Hurricane Sandy",
	institution = 	"USC/Information Sciences Institute",
	year = 		2012,
	sortdate = 		"2012-11-01", 
	number =	"ISI-TR-2008-685b",
	month =		nov,
	note = "(correction Feb. 2013)",
	jlocation =	"johnh: pafile",
	keywords =	"network outage detection, hurricane sandy",
	url =		"https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Heidemann12d.html",
	pdfurl =	"https://ant.isi.edu/%7ejohnh/PAPERS/Heidemann12d.pdf",
	myorganization =	"USC/Information Sciences Institute",
	copyrightholder = "authors",
	project = "ant, lacrend, lander, duoi",
	abstract = "
This document describes our analysis of Internet outages during the
October 2012 Hurricane Sandy.  We assess network reliability by
pinging a sample of networks and observing those that respond and then
stop responding.  While there are always occasional network outages,
we see that the outage rate in U.S. networks doubled when the
hurricane made landfall, then took about four days to recover.  We
confirm that this increase was due to outages in New York and New

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