Boltzmann Machines. Hinton, G. E. In Proceedings of Encyclopedia of Machine Learning, pages 132-136. 2010.
Boltzmann Machines [link]Link  bibtex   2 downloads  
@InCollection{	  dblp2034854,
  title		= {Boltzmann Machines},
  author	= {Geoffrey E. Hinton},
  author_short	= {Hinton, G. E.},
  bibtype	= {incollection},
  type		= {incollection},
  year		= {2010},
  key		= {dblp2034854},
  id		= {dblp2034854},
  biburl	= {},
  url_link	= {},
  conference	= {Encyclopedia of Machine Learning},
  pages		= {132-136},
  text		= {Encyclopedia of Machine Learning 2010:132-136},
  booktitle	= {Proceedings of Encyclopedia of Machine Learning}

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