TS-Reconfiguration of \(k\)-Path Vertex Covers in Caterpillars for \(k ≥ 4\). Hoang, D. A. <a href="https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/tag/">Theory and Applications of Graphs</a>, 4, 2023.
TS-Reconfiguration of \(k\)-Path Vertex Covers in Caterpillars for \(k ≥ 4\) [link]Hdl  TS-Reconfiguration of \(k\)-Path Vertex Covers in Caterpillars for \(k ≥ 4\) [link]Arxiv  doi  bibtex   
	title         = {TS-Reconfiguration of \(k\)-Path Vertex Covers in Caterpillars for \(k \geq 4\)},
	author        = {Duc A. Hoang},
	year          = {2023},
	month         = {4},
	journal       = {<a href="https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/tag/">Theory and Applications of Graphs</a>},
	volume        = {10},
	number        = {1},
	doi           = {10.20429/tag.2023.10108},
	article-number = {8},
	url_hdl       = {http://hdl.handle.net/2433/277667},
	url_arxiv     = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2203.11667},
	pubtype       = {Journal}

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