Coordinating questions: The scope puzzle. Hoeks, M. & Roelofsen, F. In Blake, K., Davis, F., Lamp, K., & Rhyne, J., editors, Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 29, pages 562-581, 2019. Linguistics Society of America.
Coordinating questions: The scope puzzle [link]Paper  doi  bibtex   38 downloads  
	author = {Morwenna Hoeks and Floris Roelofsen},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of Semantics and Linguistic Theory 29},
	date-added = {2021-08-17 00:00:00 +0000},
	date-modified = {2021-08-17 00:00:00 +0000},
	doi = {10.3765/salt.v29i0.4632},
	editor = {Katherine Blake and Forrest Davis and Kaelyn Lamp and Joseph Rhyne},
	keywords = {questions,exhaustivity,inquisitive semantics,disjunction,theoretical linguistics},
	pages = {562-581},
	publisher = {Linguistics Society of America},
	title = {Coordinating questions: The scope puzzle},
	url = {},
	year = {2019},
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