Geometrical combinatorics. Holroyd, F. C. & Wilson, R. J., editors Volume 114 of Research Notes in Mathematics, Pitman (Advanced Publishing Program), Boston, MA, 1984. Papers presented at a conference held at the Open University, Milton Keynes, March 9, 1984
@book {MR777151,
     TITLE = {Geometrical combinatorics},
    SERIES = {Research Notes in Mathematics},
    VOLUME = {114},
    EDITOR = {Holroyd, F. C. and Wilson, R. J.},
      NOTE = {Papers presented at a conference held at the Open University,
              Milton Keynes, March 9, 1984},
 PUBLISHER = {Pitman (Advanced Publishing Program)},
   ADDRESS = {Boston, MA},
      YEAR = {1984},
     PAGES = {ii+98},
      ISBN = {0-273-08675-8},
   MRCLASS = {51-06 (05-06)},
  MRNUMBER = {777151 (85k:51003)},
  BOEKCODE = {05-06},

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