TARDIS Paper II: Synergistic Density Reconstruction from Lyman-alpha Forest and Spectroscopic Galaxy Surveys with Applications to Protoclusters and the Cosmic Web. Horowitz, B., Zhang, B., Lee, K., & Kooistra, R. arXiv e-prints, 2007:arXiv:2007.15994, July, 2020.
TARDIS Paper II: Synergistic Density Reconstruction from Lyman-alpha Forest and Spectroscopic Galaxy Surveys with Applications to Protoclusters and the Cosmic Web [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
In this work we expand upon the Tomographic Absorption Reconstruction and Density Inference Scheme (TARDIS) in order to include multiple tracers while reconstructing matter density fields at Cosmic Noon (z \textasciitilde 2-3). In particular, we jointly reconstruct the underlying density field from simulated Lyman-Alpha forest observations at \$z{\textbackslash}sim 2.5\$ and an overlapping galaxy survey. We find that these data are synergistic, with the Lyman Alpha forest providing reconstruction of low density regions and galaxy surveys tracing the density peaks. We find a more accurate power spectra reconstruction going to higher scales when fitting these two data-sets simultaneously than if using either one individually. When applied to cosmic web analysis, we find performing the joint analysis is equivalent to a Lyman Alpha survey with significantly increased sight-line spacing. Since we reconstruct the velocity field and matter field jointly, we demonstrate the ability to evolve the mock observed volume further to z=0, allowing us to create a rigorous definition of "proto-cluster" as regions which will evolve into clusters. We apply our reconstructions to study protocluster structure and evolution, finding for realistic survey parameters we can provide accurate mass estimates of the z \textbackslashapprox 2 structures and their z = 0 fate.
	title = {{TARDIS} {Paper} {II}: {Synergistic} {Density} {Reconstruction} from {Lyman}-alpha {Forest} and {Spectroscopic} {Galaxy} {Surveys} with {Applications} to {Protoclusters} and the {Cosmic} {Web}},
	volume = {2007},
	shorttitle = {{TARDIS} {Paper} {II}},
	url = {http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200715994H},
	abstract = {In this work we expand upon the Tomographic Absorption Reconstruction 
and Density Inference Scheme (TARDIS) in order to include multiple
tracers while reconstructing matter density fields at Cosmic Noon (z {\textasciitilde}
2-3). In particular, we jointly reconstruct the underlying density field
from simulated Lyman-Alpha forest observations at \$z{\textbackslash}sim 2.5\$ and an
overlapping galaxy survey. We find that these data are synergistic, with
the Lyman Alpha forest providing reconstruction of low density regions
and galaxy surveys tracing the density peaks. We find a more accurate
power spectra reconstruction going to higher scales when fitting these
two data-sets simultaneously than if using either one individually. When
applied to cosmic web analysis, we find performing the joint analysis is
equivalent to a Lyman Alpha survey with significantly increased
sight-line spacing. Since we reconstruct the velocity field and matter
field jointly, we demonstrate the ability to evolve the mock observed
volume further to z=0, allowing us to create a rigorous definition of
"proto-cluster" as regions which will evolve into clusters. We apply our
reconstructions to study protocluster structure and evolution, finding
for realistic survey parameters we can provide accurate mass estimates
of the z {\textbackslash}approx 2 structures and their z = 0 fate.},
	urldate = {2020-08-04},
	journal = {arXiv e-prints},
	author = {Horowitz, Benjamin and Zhang, Benjamin and Lee, Khee-Gan and Kooistra, Robin},
	month = jul,
	year = {2020},
	keywords = {Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies, Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics},
	pages = {arXiv:2007.15994},

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