Thiosulfate oxidation by Thiomicrospira thermophila: Metabolic flexibility in response to ambient geochemistry. Houghton, J. L., Foustoukos, D. I., Flynn, T. M., Vetriani, C., Bradley, A. S., & Fike, D. A. Environmental Microbiology, 18:3057–3072, 2016.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
Previous studies of the stoichiometry of thiosulfateoxidation by colorless sulfur bacteria have failed todemonstrate mass balance of sulfur, indicating thatunidentified oxidized products must be present. Herethe reaction stoichiometry and kinetics undervariable pH conditions during the growth of Thiomi-crospira thermophila strain EPR85, isolated fromdiffuse hydrothermal fluids at the East Pacific Rise, ispresented. At pH 8.0, thiosulfate was stoichiometri-cally converted to sulfate. At lower pH, the productsof thiosulfate oxidation were extracellular elementalsulfur and sulfate. We were able to replicate previousexperiments and identify the missing sulfur as tetra-thionate, consistent with previous reports of theactivity of thiosulfate dehydrogenase. Tetrathionatewas formed under slightly acidic conditions.Genomic DNA from T. thermophila strain EPR85 con-tains genes homologous to those in the Sox pathway(soxAXYZBCDL), as well as rhodanese and thiosul-fate dehydrogenase. No other sulfur oxidizingbacteria containing sox(CD)2genes have beenrepor ted to produce extracellular elemental sulfur. Ifthe apparent modified Sox pathway we observed in T.thermophila is present in marine Thiobacillus andThiomicrospira species, production of extracellularelemental sulfur may be biogeochemically importantin marine sulfur cycling.
	Abstract = {Previous studies of the stoichiometry of thiosulfateoxidation by colorless sulfur bacteria have failed todemonstrate mass balance of sulfur, indicating thatunidentified oxidized products must be present. Herethe reaction stoichiometry and kinetics undervariable pH conditions during the growth of Thiomi-crospira thermophila strain EPR85, isolated fromdiffuse hydrothermal fluids at the East Pacific Rise, ispresented. At pH 8.0, thiosulfate was stoichiometri-cally converted to sulfate. At lower pH, the productsof thiosulfate oxidation were extracellular elementalsulfur and sulfate. We were able to replicate previousexperiments and identify the missing sulfur as tetra-thionate, consistent with previous reports of theactivity of thiosulfate dehydrogenase. Tetrathionatewas formed under slightly acidic conditions.Genomic DNA from T. thermophila strain EPR85 con-tains genes homologous to those in the Sox pathway(soxAXYZBCDL), as well as rhodanese and thiosul-fate dehydrogenase. No other sulfur oxidizingbacteria containing sox(CD)2genes have beenrepor ted to produce extracellular elemental sulfur. Ifthe apparent modified Sox pathway we observed in T.thermophila is present in marine Thiobacillus andThiomicrospira species, production of extracellularelemental sulfur may be biogeochemically importantin marine sulfur cycling.},
	Author = {Houghton, J. L. and Foustoukos, D. I. and Flynn, T. M. and Vetriani, C. and Bradley, Alexander S. and Fike, D. A.},
	Doi = {10.1111/1462-2920.13232},
	File = {:Users/abradley/Documents/Mendeley{\_}Library/Houghton et al/2016/Houghton et al.{\_}2016{\_}Thiosulfate oxidation by Thiomicrospira thermophila Metabolic flexibility in response to ambient geochemistry.pdf:pdf},
	Issn = {14622920},
	Journal = {Environmental Microbiology},
	Pages = {3057--3072},
	Pmid = {26914243},
	Title = {{Thiosulfate oxidation by Thiomicrospira thermophila: Metabolic flexibility in response to ambient geochemistry}},
	Volume = {18},
	Year = {2016},
	Bdsk-Url-1 = {}}

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