Cross-lingual Multi-Level Adversarial Transfer to Enhance Low-Resource Name Tagging. Huang, L., Ji, H., & May, J. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), pages 3823–3833, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June, 2019. Association for Computational Linguistics.
Cross-lingual Multi-Level Adversarial Transfer to Enhance Low-Resource Name Tagging [link]Paper  abstract   bibtex   
We focus on improving name tagging for low-resource languages using annotations from related languages. Previous studies either directly project annotations from a source language to a target language using cross-lingual representations or use a shared encoder in a multitask network to transfer knowledge. These approaches inevitably introduce noise to the target language annotation due to mismatched source-target sentence structures. To effectively transfer the resources, we develop a new neural architecture that leverages multi-level adversarial transfer: (1) word-level adversarial training, which projects source language words into the same semantic space as those of the target language without using any parallel corpora or bilingual gazetteers, and (2) sentence-level adversarial training, which yields language-agnostic sequential features. Our neural architecture outperforms previous approaches on CoNLL data sets. Moreover, on 10 low-resource languages, our approach achieves up to 16% absolute F-score gain over all high-performing baselines on cross-lingual transfer without using any target-language resources.
  author    = {Huang, Lifu  and  Ji, Heng  and  May, Jonathan},
  title     = {Cross-lingual Multi-Level Adversarial Transfer to Enhance Low-Resource Name Tagging},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers)},
  month     = {June},
  year      = {2019},
  address   = {Minneapolis, Minnesota},
  publisher = {Association for Computational Linguistics},
  pages     = {3823--3833},
  abstract  = {We focus on improving name tagging for low-resource languages using annotations from related languages. Previous studies either directly project annotations from a source language to a target language using cross-lingual representations or use a shared encoder in a multitask network to transfer knowledge. These approaches inevitably introduce noise to the target language annotation due to mismatched source-target sentence structures. To effectively transfer the resources, we develop a new neural architecture that leverages multi-level adversarial transfer: (1) word-level adversarial training, which projects source language words into the same semantic space as those of the target language without using any parallel corpora or bilingual gazetteers, and (2) sentence-level adversarial training, which yields language-agnostic sequential features. Our neural architecture outperforms previous approaches on CoNLL data sets. Moreover, on 10 low-resource languages, our approach achieves up to 16\% absolute F-score gain over all high-performing baselines on cross-lingual transfer without using any target-language resources.},
  url       = {}

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