Power to detect vaccine effects in repeated low-dose challenge experiments. Hudgens, M, Gilbert, P, Wu, C., Barouch, D, Mascola, J, & Self, S In AIDS Vaccine 2008 International Conference. Cape Town, South Africa, 2008.
  author =          {Hudgens, M and Gilbert, P and Wu, C-D and Barouch, D and Mascola, J and Self, S},
  title =          {Power to detect vaccine effects in repeated low-dose challenge experiments.},
  OPTcrossref =  {},
  OPTkey =          {},
  OPTpages =          {},
  year =          {AIDS Vaccine 2008 International Conference},
  OPTeditor =          {},
  OPTseries =          {},
  OPTaddress =          {},
  OPTmonth =          {},
  organization = {Cape Town, South Africa, 2008},
  OPTpublisher = {},
  OPTannote =          {}

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