Flux-driven quantum spin liquids in kagome optical lattices. Hui, H., Chen, M., Tewari, S., & Scarola, V., W. Physical Review A, 100(5):053614, American Physical Society, 11, 2019.
Flux-driven quantum spin liquids in kagome optical lattices [pdf]Paper  Flux-driven quantum spin liquids in kagome optical lattices [link]Website  doi  abstract   bibtex   2 downloads  
Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) define an exotic class of quantum ground states where spins are disordered down to zero temperature and are characterized by macroscopic entanglement and fractionalized excitations. We propose a route to QSLs in kagome optical lattices using applied flux. An optical flux lattice can be applied to induce a uniform flux and chiral three-spin interactions that drive the formation of a gapped chiral spin liquid. A different approach based on recent experiments using laser assisted tunneling and lattice tilt implements a staggered flux pattern which can drive a gapless spin liquid with symmetry protected nodal lines. Our proposal therefore establishes kagome optical lattices with effective flux as a powerful platform for exploration of QSLs.

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