Global Order Makes Spatial Access Faster. Hutflesz, A., Widmayer, P., & Zimmermann, C. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Base Management Systems for Geographical Applications (ESPRIT 1992), of ESPRIT Basic Research, pages 161-176, 1992. Springer.
  author = {A. Hutflesz and P. Widmayer and C. Zimmermann},
  title = {{G}lobal {O}rder {M}akes {S}patial {A}ccess {F}aster},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Base Management
	Systems for Geographical Applications (ESPRIT 1992)},
  year = {1992},
  series = {ESPRIT Basic Research},
  pages = {161-176},
  publisher = {Springer}

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