Predicting the potential gradient field in Ventricular Fibrillation from Shocks delivered in Paced Rhythm. Idriss, S., Melnick, S., Wolf, P., Smith, W., & Ideker, R. j-AJM, 268:H2336–H2344, 1995.
  author =       "S.F. Idriss and S.B. Melnick and P.D. Wolf and W.M.
                 Smith and R.E. Ideker",
  title =        "Predicting the potential gradient field in Ventricular
                 Fibrillation from Shocks delivered in Paced Rhythm.",
  journal =      j-AJM,
  year =         "1995",
  volume =       "268",
  pages =        "H2336--H2344",
  scinote =      "fibrillation, potential gradient, pacing.",

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