MUSICAL NOTES. Indicator, F. t. Volume 12 , March, 1887. Source type: Magazines; Object type: Review; Copyright: Copyright Center for Research Libraries Mar 17, 1887; DOCID: 1880382862; PCID: 24011296; PMID: 101413
abstract   bibtex   
Teresa Carreno will return to Venezuela for a tour of South America, Feb. 21st.
	title = {{MUSICAL} {NOTES}},
	volume = {12},
	abstract = {Teresa Carreno will return to Venezuela for a tour of South America, Feb. 21st.},
	language = {English; EN},
	number = {29},
	author = {Indicator, From the},
	month = mar,
	year = {1887},
	note = {Source type: Magazines; Object type: Review; Copyright: Copyright Center for Research Libraries Mar 17, 1887; DOCID: 1880382862; PCID: 24011296; PMID: 101413},

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