Development and Testing of the Autonomous Spacecraft Experiment (ASE) Floodwater Classifiers: Real-time Smart Reconnaissance of Transient Flooding. Ip, F., Dohm, J., Baker, V., Doggett, T., Davies, A., Castano, R., Chien, S., Cichy, B., Greeley, R., & Sherwood, R. Remote Sensing of Environment, 101 (4):pp. 463–481., 2005.
	title        = {Development and Testing of the Autonomous Spacecraft Experiment (ASE) Floodwater Classifiers: Real-time Smart Reconnaissance of Transient Flooding},
	author       = {F. Ip and J. Dohm and V. Baker and T. Doggett and A. Davies and R. Castano and S. Chien and B. Cichy and R. Greeley and R. Sherwood},
	year         = 2005,
	journal      = {Remote Sensing of Environment},
	volume       = {101 (4)},
	pages        = {pp. 463--481.},
	project      = {ASE}

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