Six thousand years of coastline evolution in the Guadalfeo deltaic system (southern Iberian Peninsula). Jabaloy, A., Lobo, F., Azor, A., Martín-Rosales, W., Pérez-Peña, J., Bárcenas, P., Macías, Jorge, Fernández-Salas, L., & Vázquez-Vílchez, M. Geomorphology, 206:374 - 391, 2014.
Six thousand years of coastline evolution in the Guadalfeo deltaic system (southern Iberian Peninsula) [link]Paper  bibtex   
  author        = {Jabaloy, A. and Lobo, F.-J. and Azor, A. and Mart{\'i}n-Rosales, W. and P{\'e}rez-Pe{\~n}a, J.-V. and B{\'a}rcenas, P. and Mac{\'i}as, Jorge and Fern{\'a}ndez-Salas, L.-M. and V{\'a}zquez-V{\'i}lchez, M.},
  journal       = {Geomorphology},
  title         = {{S}ix thousand years of coastline evolution in the {G}uadalfeo deltaic system (southern {I}berian {P}eninsula)},
  year          = {2014},
  pages         = {374 - 391},
  volume        = {206},
  impact_factor = {2.52},
  url           = {},

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