Native Pollinators: Job Sheet. Jackson, K. January, 2010.
abstract   bibtex   
PURPOSE: To provide food, shelter, and nesting resources for pollinator species. This job sheet provides guidance on establishing and maintaining habitat to the primary benefit of animal pollinators. General Information: If you mention the word pollinator, the average person immediately thinks of honey bees. Most people don’t know that our common honey bee is actually an import from Europe, arriving on our shores in the 1600’s. Fewer still know that the vast majority of Missouri’s animal pollinators are native to the state, and that they represent an incredibly important resource for both native and introduced plants. Pollinators in Missouri include bees, butterflies, moths, wasps, flies, beetles, ants and even hummingbirds.
	series = {Job {Sheet}},
	title = {Native {Pollinators}: {Job} {Sheet}},
	abstract = {PURPOSE: To provide food, shelter, and nesting resources for pollinator species. This job sheet provides
guidance on establishing and maintaining habitat to the primary benefit of animal pollinators.
General Information: If you mention the word pollinator, the average person immediately thinks of honey bees. Most people don’t know that our common honey bee is actually an import from Europe, arriving on our shores in the 1600’s. Fewer still know that the vast majority of Missouri’s animal pollinators are native to the state, and that they represent an incredibly important resource for both native and introduced plants. Pollinators in Missouri include bees,
butterflies, moths, wasps, flies, beetles, ants and even hummingbirds.},
	language = {en},
	number = {JS-BIOL-34},
	author = {Jackson, Keith},
	collaborator = {Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and {Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC)} and {University of Missouri Extension - The School of Natural Resources}},
	month = jan,
	year = {2010},
	pages = {7},

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