Méthodologie de conception d’un processeur à pile de données sûr de fonctionnement. Jallouli, M., Diou, C., Monteiro, F., & Dandache, A. In GDR System on Chip - System in Package, of GDR SoC-SiP, jun, 2008.
	author		= {Jallouli, Mehdi and Diou, Camille and Monteiro, Fabrice and Dandache, Abbas}, 
	title		= {Méthodologie de conception d’un processeur à pile de données sûr de fonctionnement}, 
	booktitle	= {GDR System on Chip - System in Package}, 
	series		= {GDR SoC-SiP},
	location	= {Paris, France}, 
	month		= {jun}, 
	year		= {2008},
	x-conferencestartdate 	= {2008-06-04},
	x-conferenceenddate 	= {2008-06-06},
	x-audience 				= {national},
	x-country 				= {FR},
	x-city 					= {Paris},
	x-language 				= {FR},
	x-proceedings 			= {Yes},

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