Comparison of the PISO, SIMPLER, and SIMPLEC algorithms for the treatment of the pressure-velocity coupling in steady flow problems. Jang, D‥, Jetli, R., & Acharya, S. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 10(3):209--228, Taylor \& Francis, 1986.
@article{ jang1986comparison,
  title = {Comparison of the {PISO}, {SIMPLER}, and {SIMPLEC} algorithms for the treatment of the pressure-velocity coupling in steady flow problems},
  author = {Jang, D.S. and Jetli, R. and Acharya, S.},
  journal = {Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications},
  volume = {10},
  number = {3},
  pages = {209--228},
  year = {1986},
  publisher = {Taylor \& Francis}

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