A semi-explicit formulation of a coupled electromagnetic field/circuit problem. Jansen, L. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 262(0):150–160, May, 2014.
doi  bibtex   
@Article{         Jansen_2014ab,
  author        = {Jansen, Lennart},
  doi           = {10.1016/j.cam.2013.10.043},
  file          = {Jansen_2014ab.pdf},
  issn          = {0377-0427},
  journal       = {Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics},
  keywords      = {DAE,circuit,coupling},
  langid        = {english},
  month         = may,
  number        = {0},
  pages         = {150--160},
  title         = {A semi-explicit formulation of a coupled electromagnetic field/circuit problem},
  volume        = {262},
  year          = {2014},
  shortjournal  = {J. Comput. Appl. Math.}

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