\MITICS\ (MALDI Imaging Team Imaging Computing System): A new open source mass spectrometry imaging software. Jardin-Math�, O., Bonnel, D., Franck, J., Wisztorski, M., Macagno, E., Fournier, I., & Salzet, M. Journal of Proteomics, 71(3):332 - 345, 2008. Proteomic Technologies
\MITICS\ (MALDI Imaging Team Imaging Computing System): A new open source mass spectrometry imaging software [link]Paper  doi  abstract   bibtex   
\MITICS\ is a new software developed for \MALDI\ imaging. We tried to render this software compatible with all types of instruments. \MITICS\ is divided in two parts: \MITICS\ control for data acquisition and \MITICS\ Image for data processing and images reconstruction. \MITICS\ control is available for Applied BioSystems MALDI-TOF instruments and \MITICS\ Image for both Applied BioSystems and Bruker Daltonics ones. \MITICS\ Control provides an interface to the user for setting the acquisition parameters for the imaging sequence, namely set instruments acquisition parameters, create the raster of acquisition and control post-acquisition data processing, and provide this settings to the automatic acquisition software of the \MALDI\ instrument. \MITICS\ Image ensures image reconstruction, files are first converted to \XML\ files before being loaded in a database. In \MITICS\ image we have chosen to implement different data representations and calculations for image reconstruction. \MITICS\ Image uses three different representations that have shown to ease extraction of information from the whole data set. It also offers image reconstruction base either on the maximum peak intensity or the peak area. Image reconstruction is possible for single ions but also by summing signals of different ions. \MITICS\ was validated on biological cases.
  author    = {Olivia Jardin-Math� and David Bonnel and Julien Franck and Maxence Wisztorski and Eduardo Macagno and Isabelle Fournier and Michel Salzet},
  journal   = {Journal of Proteomics},
  title     = {\{MITICS\} (MALDI Imaging Team Imaging Computing System): A new open source mass spectrometry imaging software},
  year      = {2008},
  issn      = {1874-3919},
  note      = {Proteomic Technologies},
  number    = {3},
  pages     = {332 - 345},
  volume    = {71},
  abstract  = {\{MITICS\} is a new software developed for \{MALDI\} imaging. We tried to render this software compatible with all types of instruments. \{MITICS\} is divided in two parts: \{MITICS\} control for data acquisition and \{MITICS\} Image for data processing and images reconstruction. \{MITICS\} control is available for Applied BioSystems MALDI-TOF instruments and \{MITICS\} Image for both Applied BioSystems and Bruker Daltonics ones. \{MITICS\} Control provides an interface to the user for setting the acquisition parameters for the imaging sequence, namely set instruments acquisition parameters, create the raster of acquisition and control post-acquisition data processing, and provide this settings to the automatic acquisition software of the \{MALDI\} instrument. \{MITICS\} Image ensures image reconstruction, files are first converted to \{XML\} files before being loaded in a database. In \{MITICS\} image we have chosen to implement different data representations and calculations for image reconstruction. \{MITICS\} Image uses three different representations that have shown to ease extraction of information from the whole data set. It also offers image reconstruction base either on the maximum peak intensity or the peak area. Image reconstruction is possible for single ions but also by summing signals of different ions. \{MITICS\} was validated on biological cases.},
  doi       = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jprot.2008.07.004},
  keywords  = {\{MALDI\} imaging},
  owner     = {Purva},
  timestamp = {2016-09-13},
  url       = {http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1874391908001127},

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