Mobile application framework for IobT hydrogen skin moisturizing. Jargalsaikhan, B., Kim, K. Y., Batbaatar, E., Park, K. H., Van Huy, P., Lee, J. Y., & Ryu, K. H. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 830:67–81, 2020.
doi  abstract   bibtex   
In this paper, we developed mobile application framework which manages the hydrogen skin moisturizing device. We use react native framework for developing the mobile application. It allows us to manage and control the hydrogen skin device. Our hydrogen skin moisturizing device is based on PCB boards. We were connecting to PCB boards by Bluetooth communication methods. React native is a framework that provides the same results as a native application developed by a mobile application. It’s just enough to save time and money for converting the one written code into other platforms.
	title = {Mobile application framework for {IobT} hydrogen skin moisturizing},
	volume = {830},
	issn = {1860949X},
	doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-14132-5_6},
	abstract = {In this paper, we developed mobile application framework which manages the hydrogen skin moisturizing device. We use react native framework for developing the mobile application. It allows us to manage and control the hydrogen skin device. Our hydrogen skin moisturizing device is based on PCB boards. We were connecting to PCB boards by Bluetooth communication methods. React native is a framework that provides the same results as a native application developed by a mobile application. It’s just enough to save time and money for converting the one written code into other platforms.},
	journal = {Studies in Computational Intelligence},
	author = {Jargalsaikhan, Bilguun and Kim, Ki Yong and Batbaatar, Erdenebileg and Park, Kwang Ho and Van Huy, Pham and Lee, Jong Yun and Ryu, Keun Ho},
	year = {2020},
	keywords = {Bluetooth communication method, Mobile application, PCB board, React native},
	pages = {67--81},

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