Idealism: The History of a Philosophy. Jeremy Dunham, Grant, I. H., & Watson, S. McGill-Queen's University Press, Montreal ; Ithaca, 2011. OCLC: ocn679520249
	address = {Montreal ; Ithaca},
	title = {Idealism: {The} {History} of a {Philosophy}},
	isbn = {978-0-7735-3836-8 978-0-7735-3837-5},
	shorttitle = {Idealism},
	publisher = {McGill-Queen's University Press},
	author = {{Jeremy Dunham} and Grant, Iain Hamilton and Watson, Sean},
	year = {2011},
	note = {OCLC: ocn679520249},
	keywords = {Histoire, History, Idealism, Idéalisme, etext1, pdf1},

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