Formal techniques for the modelling and validation of a co-operating UAV team that uses Dubins set for path planning. Jeyaraman, S., Tsourdos, A., Zbikowski, R., & White, B. In Proceedings of the 2005, American Control Conference, 2005., pages 4690–4695, 2005. IEEE.
doi  bibtex   
	title = {Formal techniques for the modelling and validation of a co-operating {UAV} team that uses {Dubins} set for path planning},
	doi = {10/cqb89c},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2005, {American} {Control} {Conference}, 2005.},
	publisher = {IEEE},
	author = {Jeyaraman, Suresh and Tsourdos, Antonios and Zbikowski, Ratal and White, Brian},
	year = {2005},
	pages = {4690--4695},

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