C -axis critical current density of second-generation YBCO tapes. Jia, Y., Hua, J., Crabtree, G. W., Kwok, W. K., Welp, U., Malozemoff, A. P., Rupich, M., & Fleshler, S. Superconductor Science and Technology, 23(11):115017, 2010. Paper abstract bibtex We report on measurements of the temperature and field dependence of the c -axis critical current density ( J c c ) obtained on mesa structures that were patterned into the YBCO layer of second-generation HTS tapes. We find the J c c ---values of ~ 4 kA cm − 2 at 77 K and self-field, corresponding to an unexpectedly high anisotropy in the critical current density J c ab / J c c of 500--600. C -axis current flow is expected to arise in applications such as the helically wound wires in HTS cables. A simple estimate is given of the fraction of tape width for such a c -axis flow; while in our samples this fraction is approximately 5% for a typical geometry, the fraction will grow linearly with increasing current density anisotropy and could affect the current-carrying ability of the tape.
@article{ Yia:SST10,
abstract = {We report on measurements of the temperature and field dependence of the c -axis critical current density ( J c c ) obtained on mesa structures that were patterned into the YBCO layer of second-generation HTS tapes. We find the J c c ---values of ~ 4 kA cm − 2 at 77 K and self-field, corresponding to an unexpectedly high anisotropy in the critical current density J c ab / J c c of 500--600. C -axis current flow is expected to arise in applications such as the helically wound wires in HTS cables. A simple estimate is given of the fraction of tape width for such a c -axis flow; while in our samples this fraction is approximately 5% for a typical geometry, the fraction will grow linearly with increasing current density anisotropy and could affect the current-carrying ability of the tape.},
author = {Y. Jia and J. Hua and G. W. Crabtree and W. K. Kwok and U. Welp and A. P. Malozemoff and M. Rupich and S. Fleshler},
date-added = {2012-02-23 18:15:43 +0100},
date-modified = {2012-02-23 18:17:54 +0100},
journal = {Superconductor Science and Technology},
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title = {C -axis critical current density of second-generation YBCO tapes},
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year = {2010},
bdsk-url-1 = {http://stacks.iop.org/0953-2048/23/i=11/a=115017}
Downloads: 0
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We find the J c c ---values of ~ 4 kA cm − 2 at 77 K and self-field, corresponding to an unexpectedly high anisotropy in the critical current density J c ab / J c c of 500--600. C -axis current flow is expected to arise in applications such as the helically wound wires in HTS cables. A simple estimate is given of the fraction of tape width for such a c -axis flow; while in our samples this fraction is approximately 5% for a typical geometry, the fraction will grow linearly with increasing current density anisotropy and could affect the current-carrying ability of the tape.},\n author = {Y. Jia and J. Hua and G. W. Crabtree and W. K. Kwok and U. Welp and A. P. Malozemoff and M. Rupich and S. 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W.","Kwok, W. K.","Welp, U.","Malozemoff, A. P.","Rupich, M.","Fleshler, S."],"abstract":"We report on measurements of the temperature and field dependence of the c -axis critical current density ( J c c ) obtained on mesa structures that were patterned into the YBCO layer of second-generation HTS tapes. We find the J c c ---values of ~ 4 kA cm − 2 at 77 K and self-field, corresponding to an unexpectedly high anisotropy in the critical current density J c ab / J c c of 500--600. C -axis current flow is expected to arise in applications such as the helically wound wires in HTS cables. A simple estimate is given of the fraction of tape width for such a c -axis flow; while in our samples this fraction is approximately 5% for a typical geometry, the fraction will grow linearly with increasing current density anisotropy and could affect the current-carrying ability of the tape."},"bibtype":"article","biburl":"https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/20653817/pippo.bib","creationDate":"2014-09-16T07:05:20.660Z","downloads":0,"keywords":[],"search_terms":["axis","critical","current","density","second","generation","ybco","tapes","jia","hua","crabtree","kwok","welp","malozemoff","rupich","fleshler"],"title":"C -axis critical current density of second-generation YBCO tapes","year":2010,"dataSources":["iZdSEySLhFChHYo7T"]}