Numerical and experimental study of joint slippage in a lattice transmission tower. Jiang, W., McClure, G., & Wang, Z. In volume 2, pages 971 - 977, 2010. Accurate prediction;Electrical power system;Low coefficient of friction;Numerical and experimental study;Overhead transmission lines;Steel lattice transmission towers;Structural reliability;Transmission systems;
abstract   bibtex   
Transmission towers are vital components of overhead transmission lines, which play an important role in the operation of electrical power systems. At the design stage, accurate prediction of tower response under a variety of design loads is very important for the structural reliability and safety of the transmission system. Accuracy in the re-analysis of existing tower designs is also essential to yield a realistic assessment of the tower capacity. Several studies have pointed out the influence of bolted connections traditionally used in steel lattice towers to explain deviations between realistic tower displacement response and numerical model predictions. Connection effects can be of two main sources: 1) connection eccentricities introduced in detailing, and 2) bolt slippage in joints. The present study concentrates on bolt slippage effects. Classical steel lattice transmission towers typically comprise bearing-type bolted joints with relatively low clamping force connecting galvanized faying surfaces which have a low coefficient of friction; such joints are prone to slippage and it is well known that conventional structural analysis based on idealized joint behaviour cannot predict the tower deformation precisely. In this paper, several numerical models of a single-circuit 110 kV lattice steel tower of Chinese design are created to investigate the effects of joint slippage on tower displacements and stresses. Experimental results from full-scale prototype tests are used in the comparison and show that the real deformation of the tower can be twice as large as that obtained from numerical models without joint slippage. The study compares various joint slippage models available in the literature and implements them in numerical simulations.
@inproceedings{20105213521713 ,
language = {English},
copyright = {Compilation and indexing terms, Copyright 2023 Elsevier Inc.},
copyright = {Compendex},
title = {Numerical and experimental study of joint slippage in a lattice transmission tower},
journal = {Proceedings, Annual Conference - Canadian Society for Civil Engineering},
author = {Jiang, W.Q. and McClure, G. and Wang, Z.Q.},
volume = {2},
year = {2010},
pages = {971 - 977},
abstract = {Transmission towers are vital components of overhead transmission lines, which play an important role in the operation of electrical power systems. At the design stage, accurate prediction of tower response under a variety of design loads is very important for the structural reliability and safety of the transmission system. Accuracy in the re-analysis of existing tower designs is also essential to yield a realistic assessment of the tower capacity. Several studies have pointed out the influence of bolted connections traditionally used in steel lattice towers to explain deviations between realistic tower displacement response and numerical model predictions. Connection effects can be of two main sources: 1) connection eccentricities introduced in detailing, and 2) bolt slippage in joints. The present study concentrates on bolt slippage effects. Classical steel lattice transmission towers typically comprise bearing-type bolted joints with relatively low clamping force connecting galvanized faying surfaces which have a low coefficient of friction; such joints are prone to slippage and it is well known that conventional structural analysis based on idealized joint behaviour cannot predict the tower deformation precisely. In this paper, several numerical models of a single-circuit 110 kV lattice steel tower of Chinese design are created to investigate the effects of joint slippage on tower displacements and stresses. Experimental results from full-scale prototype tests are used in the comparison and show that the real deformation of the tower can be twice as large as that obtained from numerical models without joint slippage. The study compares various joint slippage models available in the literature and implements them in numerical simulations.<br/>},
key = {Numerical models},
keywords = {Bolts;Deformation;Forecasting;Towers;Bolted joints;Friction;Electric power transmission;},
note = {Accurate prediction;Electrical power system;Low coefficient of friction;Numerical and experimental study;Overhead transmission lines;Steel lattice transmission towers;Structural reliability;Transmission systems;},

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