Nonlinear Optimization with Fuzzy Constraints by Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms. Jiménez, F., Sánchez, G., Cadenas, J. M., Gómez-Skarmeta, A. F., & Verdegay, J. L. In Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications, pages 713--722. Springer. Advances in Soft Computing. Vol. 33, Dortmund, Germany, 2005.
  author = {F. Jim\'{e}nez and G. S\'{a}nchez and J. M. Cadenas and A. F. G\'{o}mez-Skarmeta
	and J. L. Verdegay},
  title = {{Nonlinear Optimization with Fuzzy Constraints by Multi-Objective
	Evolutionary Algorithms}},
  booktitle = {Computational Intelligence, Theory and Applications},
  editor = {Bernd Reusch},
  pages = {713--722},
  publisher = {Springer. Advances in Soft Computing. Vol. 33},
  address = {Dortmund, Germany},
  year = {2005}

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