Carbon dynamics following clear-cutting of a northern hardwood forest ecosystem. Johnson, C. E., Driscoll, C., Fahey, T. J., Siccama, T. G., & Hughes, J. W. In Carbon: Forms and Functions in Forest Soils. American Soc. of Agronomy, Madison, Wisconsin, 1995.
	address = {Madison, Wisconsin},
	title = {Carbon dynamics following clear-cutting of a northern hardwood forest ecosystem},
	booktitle = {Carbon: {Forms} and {Functions} in {Forest} {Soils}},
	publisher = {American Soc. of Agronomy},
	author = {Johnson, C. E. and Driscoll, C.T. and Fahey, T. J. and Siccama, T. G. and Hughes, J. W.},
	editor = {McFee, W. W.},
	year = {1995},
	keywords = {HBR}

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