Triplet lens design using hybrid coded NSGA2. Joseph, S. In Blair, S., Chakraborty, U., Chen, S., Cheng, H., Chiu, D., Das, S., Denker, G., Duro, R., Romay, M., Hung, D., Kerre, E., VaLeong, H., Lu, C., Lu, J., Maguire, L., Ngo, C., Sarfraz, M., Tseng, C., Tsumoto, S., Ventura, D., Wang, P., Yao, X., Zhang, C., & Zhang, K., editors, Proceedings of the 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, pages 535--538, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, July 21-26, 2005. Joint Conference Information Sciences.
   author = {S. Joseph},
   title = {{Triplet lens design using hybrid coded NSGA2}},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th Joint Conference on Information Sciences},
   editor = {S. Blair and U. Chakraborty and S.H. Chen and H.D. Cheng and D.K.Y. Chiu and S. Das 
   and G. Denker and R. Duro and M.G. Romay and D. Hung and E.E. Kerre and H. VaLeong and C.T. Lu 
   and J. Lu and L. Maguire and C.W. Ngo and M. Sarfraz and C. Tseng and S. Tsumoto and D. Ventura 
   and P.P. Wang and X. Yao and C.N. Zhang and K. Zhang},
   pages = {535--538}, 
   publisher = {Joint Conference Information Sciences},
   address = {Salt Lake City, Utah, USA},
   month = {July 21-26},
   year = {2005}

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