Evaluation of connectivity measures and anatomical features for statistical brain networks. Joshi, A. A., Joshi, S. H., Thomason, M. E., Dinov, I. D., & Toga, A. W. In Proceedings of International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), pages 836-840, 2011.
Evaluation of connectivity measures and anatomical features for statistical brain networks [link]Paper  bibtex   
@inproceedings{ dblp2685012,
  title = {Evaluation of connectivity measures and anatomical features for statistical brain networks},
  author = {Anand A. Joshi and Shantanu H. Joshi and Moriah E. Thomason and Ivo D. Dinov and Arthur W. Toga},
  author_short = {Joshi, A. A. and Joshi, S. H. and Thomason, M. E. and Dinov, I. D. and Toga, A. W.},
  bibtype = {inproceedings},
  type = {inproceedings},
  year = {2011},
  key = {dblp2685012},
  id = {dblp2685012},
  biburl = {http://www.dblp.org/rec/bibtex/conf/isbi/JoshiJTDT11},
  url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/ISBI.2011.5872534},
  conference = {ISBI},
  pages = {836-840},
  text = {ISBI 2011:836-840},
  booktitle = {Proceedings of International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)}

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